
An Opinionated Daddy's View of Life

Sunday, March 10, 2013

As Time Goes By

When referring to changes in the unemployment rate, members of the media often comment on how the number stated does not reflect those long term unemployed who have essentially given up looking for work.  In the context of dating, perhaps if speaking on the number of single, gay men, they might refer to the number of middle-aged dudes who've given up on finding a romantic partner. An unpleasant concept, isn't it?

I know, I know, one is supposed to keep a positive attitude and be grateful for how things are.  I often write about how much I enjoy aspects of aging and how much better is my life than it is have ever been before.  I gets hard, though, to keep up a positive attitude about dating, at least I have been finding it so of late.

I am told I still possess a certain charm.  Despite my surprise at others finding it so, I am told I am still an attractive man.  But charming or attractive as I am told, facing another Friday night alone, hanging out at home with my crazy dog, wasting time watching bad TV, just doesn't sound appealing.

Whah, whah, whah, I know I sound like a Debbie Downer.  And, as I've written before, being pitiful is never sexy.  But, it is my blog, I get to write about what I want and how I feel.  Dating has ups and it has downs.  I try to remind myself that writing a blog on dating will reflect my experience, both positive and negative.  It has just been so negative lately, it would seem whining about it wouldn't be appealing to my readers.

Okay, okay...deep breath, deep breath. Things will get better.  Hard to believe at times, perhaps...but they will.

At least, that is what THIS DADDY thinks.

 "As Time Goes By" performed by Billie "Lady Day" Holiday. Composed by Herman Hupfeld for the 1931 Broadway Musical "Everybody's Welcome" but more famously known for Dooley Wilsons' version in the 1942 movie "Casablanca".

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